ÑETA Information


Scope: The ÑETA are primarily a prison gang which has its roots in Rio Pedras, Puerto Rico. ÑETA's can be found in many Correctional Facilities within Connecticut and Puerto Rico.

Gender Make Up: Male.

Racial-ethnic Make Up: Predominately Hispanic, some White and Black members.

Organization: Established hierarchy including a President, Vice President, Recruiter, Secretary, Sergeant of Arms, Enforcer. ÑETA rules and regulations are encompassed in 10 rules of the gang.

Gang Colors: Red, white, and blue (flag of Puerto Rico).

Emblem: Puerto Rican Flag, index and middle finger crossed, "1.50"(150% committed.) and the crossed machetes of Los Macheteros.

Alliances: Latin Kings, Nation, Los Macheteros.

Rivals: Solidos, 20 Luv, Elm City Boys (ECB's).

Criminal Activity: Drugs, extortion, intimidation, recent information show that they are now involved in performing "hits" for other gangs.

History: The ÑETA was established in 1970 by an inmate named Carlos LaSombra at a correctional facility located in Rio Pedras, Puerto Rico.

The word "ÑETA" reportedly came from the island of Puerto Rico. It was reported that when a baby was born, the father would run around exulting "ÑETA," "ÑETA."

ÑETA was formed by LaSombra to stop the violence between inmates in Rio Pedras. In the Connecticut Correction's system, the ÑETA has developed into a tight knit group of Hispanics who look out to protect their membership's interest and activities including extortion and assaults.

ÑETA's identify with the Los Macheteros and their revolutionary philosophy in providing independence for the home island of Puerto Rico. ÑETA feels they are part of an oppressed people unwillingly governed by the U.S. On the thirtieth day of each month, members will get together to pay observance to their founder and fallen members.

Propensity for Violence: Members of the ÑETA will engage in violence to protect their identity or when a non-member has disrespected the gang.

When a member is to physically engage in an assault or hit on a member or non-member, several members will accompany the member to perform the task.

Members of the ÑETA will engage in extortion, assaults, and intimidation within our correctional facilities.

Leadership: The ÑETA are directed by a fairly organized hierarchy which includes a President and Vice President.

Identification: Members of the ÑETA align themselves with the Puerto Rican Independence movement led by Los Macheteros. Members will usually display the Puerto Rican flag, and have been known to formulate ÑETA identification cards.

Here is an example of ÑETA Beads - 3 Red, 3 White and 3 Blue


Here is an example of ÑETA tattoo


Here is an example of ÑETA art work