TRE' Information


Scope: Primarily located in the Corrections Facilities in CT, it is a spinoff of the New Haven "Kennsington Street International".

Gender Make Up: Primarily male.

Racial Make Up: Blacks

Organization: Appears to be semi-organized with a Council that consists of a Chairman and five Co-Chairman, Captains and Sergeant of Arms. By-laws consist of a number of Rules and Regulations.

Gang Colors: Unknown

Emblem/Handshake: Unknown at this time.

Alliance: Believed to be 20 Lov

Rivals: New Haven Ville

Criminal Activity: Drugs, assaults, intimidation, extortion and murder.

History: TRE' has recently emerged from the members of the old "Kennsington Street Internation" (KSI), after many members and leaders were arrested a few years back. This forced the remaining members underground. At Some point KSI was dropped as their name and they adopted TRI' as their new name.

Membership: It has been reported that all entrance to the TRE' is based on vote of the membership. The Chairman's final approval is required for membership as well as any decisions for the family.

Propensity for Violence: The TRE' has a reputation for violence to include assaults on inmates for refusing membership or disrespecting their gang. Incidents of assaults and intimidation toward the white inmates have been reported. Also documented reports show instrumenting food strikes and work stoppage within our facilities.

Finances: Funds are generally derived from extortion of weaker inmates and receipts from illegal drug activity.

Leadership: It is believed that TRE' is directed by a Council, Captains and Sergeant of Arms with a set of Rules and Regulations.